todorovs narrative theory

What is it?

Todorovs Theory of Narrative is basically a human suggestion towards how all stories follow a simple 3 step based structure. Simply standing with a beginning, middle and end. However within these 3 steps are 5 further more detailed steps to which the story and such, the plot, all follow. It can also have a huge say on the journey of our main characters.
These 5 other steps are;
  1. The equilibrium-The start of the story, where all our characters live a normal live to certain extents, but overall the world is good and happy. :)
  2. The disruption-The part of our story in which something bad happens, probably having an effect on the story to come.
  3. A recognition-Part of a story where our characters realise something has actually happened and they should probably do something about it.
  4. An attempt to repair the disruption-This is the main part we see in movies, often taking up the most time, in which the characters will attempt to fix this or find a solution to the damage occurred. It will usually consist of multiple attempts to fix it, eventually leading to a climax and then the final solution.
  5. New Equilibrium-The end of a story, in where our characters returning back to their normal lives however with a slight change to it, maybe something isn't quite right.
Those are the main points a plot should follow. Unless its a weird story. Seriously.

Here is an example of these points but given with the Wizard Of Oz to hopefully help you understand some more. :)

As another example say, if I were to design my own story following Todorovs Theory of Narrative Development, it would go a little like this...

  1. Life is cool, life is calm. In fact Jeff the antelope and his best pal Jeremy were living life to the full, constantly grazing with not a worry in the world.
  2. When all of a sudden, Leo the lion gathered up his Pride and formed an attack plan as they hadn't eaten in days. He told his pride an the plan was set, a death trap was on its way...
  3. Within hours of the plan, sally the stork alerted Jeff  and Jeremy of the news that they were being hunted by the pride and were in danger! They didn't hesitate to react.
  4. A the day rolled on Leo and his pride were edging closer to the antelopes each minute, ready to pounce at any second, so the antelopes decided to lure the lions into a trap! They ran as quick as they could towards the watering hole, where the crocodiles lived. As Leo and the pride pounced their way over and had spotted Jeff and Jeremy, they went for it, running across the watering hole to try and catch the antelopes. When suddenly the corcs appeared fr out of no where to save the day, scaring the pride away back to the savanna.
  5.  And therefore the Antelopes lived in peace, however, they always knew the lions are still after them, and could be coming right now.
That was just a silly take on what I thought I could come up with. :)


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