
Showing posts from September, 2019

todorovs narrative theory

What is it? Todorovs Theory of Narrative is basically a human suggestion towards how all stories follow a simple 3 step based structure. Simply standing with a beginning, middle and end. However within these 3 steps are 5 further more detailed steps to which the story and such, the plot, all follow. It can also have a huge say on the journey of our main characters. These 5 other steps are; The equilibrium-The start of the story, where all our characters live a normal live to certain extents, but overall the world is good and happy. :) The disruption-The part of our story in which something bad happens, probably having an effect on the story to come. A recognition-Part of a story where our characters realise something has actually happened and they should probably do something about it. An attempt to repair the disruption-This is the main part we see in movies, often taking up the most time, in which the characters will attempt to fix this or find a solution to the damage occu